Subconscious Remedy for Sibling Rivalry and Other Issues
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I am the only child, and, therefore, when I had my second kid, I was dramatically clueless in regard to sibling issues. Some advised me to give most of my attention and conspicuous love to the older one who at the time was two years and three months and really only a baby herself since they claimed the younger one wouldn’t totally perceive. Absolutely wrong advice, by the way! As the result, this became the foundation of a Pizza tower like relationship in the family. My daughter grew detrimentally jealous of her younger brother. That was the time that I had to hit over forty parenting books and various workshops and remedies. Nothing really worked, and if they did, they were temporary because they were techniques geared only for the conscious mind and behaviour both for us as parents and my kids. The most effective of all these techniques would be giving two choices and setting consequences for the wrong choice as many of you might know and swear by.
As I mentioned in my first parenting blog – What Is Not Love Is a Cry for Love, my quest for Truth got ignited because of this struggle. I desperately needed to find a cure in order to deal with the bitter emotions of my daughter towards my son.
I found out that the human being is indeed a slave of the subconscious mind. Our lives are governed by our limiting beliefs that we wrongfully consider facts. We believe we are doomed to live and die with our genetic behaviours and we are powerless to alter our habits such as being emotionally reactive in my case. I discovered that we are the co-creators of our lives. We manifest what’s in our mind. As the result of this finding, we need to feel the responsibility and take charge of our mind and our lives. Now, if our lives are run by our subconscious mind, what if we can re-program it? I researched and learned and started experimenting with myself and other adults. It worked! What if it works with children? What would I lose if I experiment it with my daughter? She is seven and can definitely visualize.
Eventually, one night I asked her to close her eyes. I asked her to locate where the emotion, of getting annoyed by her brother, resides in her body. She did not hesitate for a second and touched her heart! I asked her to give it a shape. Again, she said a spiky shape, with no delay. I asked her to give it a color. She said black right away. I asked her to visualize to slowly bring up the black spiky shape from her heart to her mouth while I was counting from 1 to 5. I asked her to open her mouth and see it outside her body at the count of 5. I asked her to chop it off to powder, and then blow it far away and she did.
We could trick her subconscious mind to associate the negative emotion with a shape and then ultimately get rid of it. I wholeheartedly believe the ritual worked with her. They both still have their casual altercations, but I don’t sense any dark or bitter emotion in her towards her brother. I am forever miraculously in awe!
♥ Be.Love.Know ♥