Abraham-Hicks and My Parenting Quest

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I got to know Esther Hick around three months ago in the midst of my search for the Truth. Her lessons known as “The Teachings of Abraham” is the fountainhead of the information upon which the hit movie, “The Secret” was based. My life coach further recommended her, and that was the commencement of my deep appreciation for her wisdom and the joyful resonance I found in me towards the way she assembles words to convey amazing concepts. As the Universe loves speed, I found myself buying tickets to see Hicks in San Francisco this past Saturday. And it was all I had envisioned and more. I flew with her familiar words as they flawlessly nested within the cells of my body. I raised my hand to ask a question during the entire workshop, however, she never chose me to sit in the hot seat. I was not disappointed as I was certain the answer to my inquiry will reveal itself regardless of not being voiced with sound.
I wanted to start telling her that I get this. That I have lived authentically faithful to the “Law of Attraction” for the past ten years although I had never heard of this term until a couple of months ago. That I grasp the definition of the word “Vortex”, which means the place of alignment with the Source or the connection between the non-physical and the physical self, although I had never heard of the word itself. That I have been able to perfectly manifest any of my desires including a life partner, a job, a family, intercontinental moves, serenity and much more. However, I wanted to add, there seems to be one thing that yields to be an exception to this Law for me, and that is my reactivity towards my kids. No matter how hard I try during the day, there are times that I get magically out of the “Vortex” as soon as my older daughter shows lesser than loving demeanor.
Here are the gems I had gone hunting for in the midst of others querying for her wisdom:
- There is no good parenting when we are not aligned ourselves. Usually, children behave in discord or unaligned manner because we are out of tune with our higher self. When we are not connected, our disciplining techniques won’t work, and we get negative emotions. This will stimulate the kids, who are great receivers, with more negative feelings, and the vicious cycle continues.
- A train going 100 miles per hour cannot instantaneously change course and go with the same speed in the opposite direction. Instead, it needs to deliberately come to a stop, and then gradually increase speed on the other route. At the heat of the moment, I will never be able to align myself or her. What I need to do is to neutralize emotions. By dwelling on her misbehavior and try correcting it, judging my parenting skills and feeling guilty I would only feed more of the same low energy emotions according to the Law of Attraction. So I am better off literally leaving the skirmish, ignoring or taking a detour.
- Pre-paving is the key. I should not wait until someone is having a tantrum – including myself. I would ideally need to prepare myself for at least 5 minutes before she wakes up in the morning, comes home from school or does homework. I found emotional check-in, deep breathing, a quick meditation and other techniques such as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) help with awakening to my heart center and tuning into my higher self.
- Our thoughts make up our emotions, and the Universe responds to our emotions by matching our vibration. I decided to try to choose my thoughts by writing and focusing on her noble choices and traits every day. This will allow me to raise my vibration to get aligned, and consequently help her and myself to see her as the light she is.
- One more time I received a priceless reassurance that LOVE is the solution. For the reason, that being in the “Vortex” means acting based upon a higher vibration that includes love, compassion, joy, peace, and gratitude.
Abraham-Hicks ~ How to discipline children

The bottom-line is that we need to go to the vortex first and then communicate with children. The goal is, in fact, to go there at any given moment we remember. The end result is awareness and stripping ourselves from our ego.
♥ Be.Love.Know ♥