How Do We Create Our Worldview?
RAS starts above the spinal cord and is about two inches long and about the width of a pencil and it’s where all our senses come in except for the smell. RAS connects the subconscious part of our brain with the conscious part. It’s a sophisticated filter that decides which information needs our attention and what should be ignored. While our subconscious mind picks up all the sensory information, it filters out 99% of it.
The interesting fact is that RAS allows information that is aligned with our worldview and inner beliefs. For example, if we believe life happens FOR us or TO us, we will perceive the world in such a way that sustains either of these beliefs. An example of RAS in action is when we buy a new car and we notice a lot more people driving the same car because the model of our car is now on the RAS’s important list.
Now, since our conscious mind is smarter, we can reprogram RAS by consciously adding or altering this list. As a matter of fact, RAS helps us achieve our goals. Since RAS only allows in 1% of the sensory information according to our deep-rooted beliefs, worldviews, and intentions, if we believe this is an unfair world, that’s what we keep perceiving. The opposite is also true.
Knowing this, we can use RAS to our advantage by reprograming its filter to reach our goals. Let me show you how. I like you to look around and look for the color red. Were you able to spot any red things? This is the work of RAS. It brings to light what we are looking for according to our conscious and unconscious intentions. This is the key component of reaching our goals.
For example, if we decide to be more positive, compassionate, and non-judgmental in our life, we pick up the information that is aligned with this goal. Like a video like this. A meme. A conversation. A course. This is why we might have had an “a-ha” moment about a topic while we had heard the same advice many times before. We picked it up that time because it was on our RAS important list at that moment.
By writing down our goals, consciously focusing on what we want, and repeatedly acting towards them, we begin to notice and attract people, situations, things, and places that help us achieve our goals. Let’s experiment with this. Spend five minutes now to write about all the things that go RIGHT in your life. Cultivate deep gratitude for them. After doing this exercise, you will notice that your RAS will keep thinking of other positive and gratitude-worthy things even after the time is up. That’s because you consciously trained your brain to do so.
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